EOFT 05/06

Burning time

The Sambezi is the biggest and most dangerous whitewater river of Simbabwe. For two years Scott Lindgren has been filming there with some of best whitewater kajaker of the world. The result is Burning Time. A fill full of action and adrenaline - with unbelievable rapids and a standing waves.

Film information

Length: 6 min
Direction: Scott Lindgren
Production: USA, 2004


Dean Potter is one the most progressive American climbers. Until now he is the only one to climb El Capitan and Half Dome in less than 24 hours. On the Lost Arrow Spire in Yosemite Valley Dean shows us the new trend in climbing: highlining. It's like slacklining - but way higher! A new extreme sport is born. And Dean is on the forefront of this movement. He feels totally safe up there - even without a safety rope!

Film information

Length: 6 min
Direction: Heinz Zak
With: Dean Potter
Production: USA, 2004


Timmy O'Neil is half stand-up-comedian, half climbing pro. He takes us on a journey to the most amazing climbing spots of North America. Incredible crack climbs mixed with Timmys humour makes this film a very special climbing flick. And of course you're going to meet Biscuit again - his dog which also appeared in Front Rage Freaks (E.O.F.T. 02/03).

Film information

Length: 15 min
With: Timmy O’Neill
Production: USA, 2005

Patagonia Inlandeis Expedition

The outstanding Norwegian adventurer Børge Ousland and the successful outdoor photographer Thomas Ulrich make the first unsupported traverse of the Patagonian Ice Field. The two of them have to cover 100km on water, 450km on glaciers and above all thousand meters of difference in altitude. Danger in many guises awaits them in the wild: blood poisoning, snow blindness and extremely harsh weather conditions. It's a struggle man against nature until they reach their final destination Porto Natales.

Film information

Length: 26 min
Direction: Matthias Thönnissen
With: Børge Ousland, Thomas Ulrich
Production: Moving Adventures Medien, Argentinien, Chile, 2003


If you don't know what the perfect winter might look like then catch a glimpse of Sinners. An award-winning film from the winter wonderland of British Columbia, Canada. A great piece of eye-candy - not only for powder fans.

Film information

Length: 10 min
Direction: Bill Heath
Production: BH+F Productions, USA, 2004

Thalay Sagar

It is a challenge of its own kind: Mammut team members Ralph Weber, Thomas Senf, Denis Burdet and Stephan Siegrist want to ascend the unvanquished Northwest Face of the 3.904 meters high Thalay Sagar in Garwhla Himalaya (India).

Film information

Length: 26 min
Direction: Niko Jäger
With: Ralph Weber, Thomas Senf, Denis Burdet, Stephan Siegrist
Production: Moving Adventures Medien, Indien, Deutschland, 2005

Tracking the Soul

"You're only in there for a couple of minutes maybe. But in your head it goes on and on for hours, you see? Sometimes you just can't get enough of it... and then... you always want to be like this."

A camera team accompanies two young and reckless cross-country skiers. The whole winter they are in search of the perfect track, traveling through the Alps in a run-down bus. In the end they’ll get to the bottom of what it means to dedicate everything to a single cause, how to treat your soul faithfully and how long you can survive on canned tomatoes and instant hot chocolate.

Film information

Length: 24 min
Direction: Matthias Thönnissen, Christopher Klotz
Production: Deutschland, 2004